Prior to the deadline of June 12, 2008, you must be at least 16 years of age or older.
Scholarship Amount and Awards Available
$4400 - Only One Award Available
Allocation Date
July 4th, 2008
Scholarship Application Process
Submit an essay to scholarships@presidentialcandidates.tv answering the following questions:
1. Name the three most important issues that you believe the 44th President of the United States should address.
2. Take one of the issues that you previously mentioned and discuss what should be done to address the issue. (ie: If you picked health care as one of your three issues, then you could mention that America should implement a universal health care plan. However, please be as detailed as possible, as many students may choose the same issue to address.)
3. Lastly, identify which candidate you believe will be the 44th President of the United States and why you believe he/she will be victorious.
Essay Formatting
Make sure your essay is sent in a word document. The document must be double spaced and include a works cited or bibliography page at the end of the essay. In addition, please indicate an email address or home mailing address that you would like us to use if you are chosen as a scholarship recipient. Please note that we will only contact the student that has been selected.
If you are not contacted and are still curious on who has been selected, come visit the website after the allocation date.
Contact/Visit the Parent Center at WHS if you need any resources to assist you in submitting your essay.