Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Daily Breeze: Education Briefs (POWWOW citation)

CONGRATS to POWWOW and Proud POWWOW Parent, Florence Bracy, who landed a spot in our local paper, The Daily Breeze, for her coordination of an outreach effort geared toward helping needy families with children this holiday season.

Way to go Florence and POWWOW for your philanthropic and humanitarian efforts!!!!

Education briefs
By Paul Clinton and Shelly Leachman Staff Writers
Article Launched: 12/16/2007 09:01:32 PM PST


100 families get toys, clothing

Students and parents from Westchester High School collected more than 1,000 toys and clothing items to provide to a Westside foster home.

The students presented the gifts to the Westside Children's Center, a foster care and adoption placement center, parent Florence Bracy said.

The gift drive was organized by Parents of Westchester With Orville Wright. The students delivered the gifts Wednesday. On Friday, the agency gave the gifts to 100 families with children 5 and younger.

Read entire story here: http://www.dailybreeze.com/ci_7739615