Because of each of you - "A Taste Of Soul" POWWOW Parent Meeting and Teacher/Parent Appreciation was a HUGE success!!!
Some reports of the event estimate there were close to 100 in attendance!!!
Parents, teachers, Administrators, School Staff and even the media enjoyed an evening of information sharing, appreciation and "A Taste Of Soul."
WHS Representatives included:
Anita Barner (Principal)
Cynthia Hill (Asst. Principal)
Dechele Byrd (Assistance Principal)
Mr. Glenn Mitchell (Dean and Biology Instructor)
The aforementioned updated parents of the 4x4 schedule, Small Learning Communities, student intervention programs, positive discipline, truancy and tardy policies, Williams book distribution and results, and so much more!
Mr. Cooper and Mrs. Billie Silvey (Healthy Start)
Dr. Salazar (Instructor)
Mr. Wright (Instructor)
Our Librarian
Terry Marcellus (Booster Club Pres.)
Robin Adams (Academic Booster Club President)
Patrick Ingram (Plant Manager)
...and a host of informed, engaged parents!!
OWMS Representatives included:
Ingrid Lemeaux (PTSA President)
...and several OWM parents!!!
LMU Representative included:
Mr. Drew Furedi of the LMU family of Schools who addressed our parents regarding the family of schools and the upcoming vote on Autonomy.
LD3 Represenative included:
Mrs. Cheryl Newman of local district 3 (Parent Ombudsperson) who shared vital information about School Site Council Information meeting and the upcoming elections at Westchester High.
ALL parents and Teachers received Certificates Of Appreciation for their commitment and dedication to working together in improving our schools and educating our children.
POWWOW parents who have volunteered in any capacity received coffee mugs filled with chocolates!!
Our administrators (Mr. Rochelle and Mrs. Barner) received eloborate gift baskets for their support of POWWOW. We would not have been able to achieve the success we have if our administrators did not support us.
Mr. Cooper (Healthy Start) and Mr. Clark/Ingram (Plant Managers) also received eloborate gift baskets for being so accommodating, supportive and responsive to all the special needs of POWWOW during our formative stages!!!
AND...There was soooooo much food!!!
The array of dishes included...
Collard and mustard greens, black-eyed-peas, hot water cornbread, chicken (fried and baked), potato salad, coleslaw, sweet potatoes, macaroni and cheese, lemon cakes, pound cake, chocolate cakes, soda, water, even egg rolls, salami and salads!!!
Plan for next month's meeting (Wednesday November 14, 2007 at 6:30 pm). Staff, administrators, teachers, counselors and parents are planning another INFORMATIVE and eventful meeting.
YOU do not want to miss what we have planned for next month!
Thank each of you again and again for your support and attendance and I look forward to seeing you soon.